In response to this "ghetto" attempt at a logo for THE VILLAGE young adults group, we are having a logo design contest. SO, if you're feeling creative (or the urge to procrastinate), try putting together a design that features the letter V, the words "THE VILLAGE" or simply whatever you think looks good. Bring your design(s) to one of our next meetings or send something along to us by email (
mpowell@missionbaptist.ca or
heather.macumber@canada.com). Once a number of submissions are received, we'll decide on a logo as a group. MP
What about a prize?? A trip for two ... to Dairy Queen??
We seriously need a logo!! Anything is better than the masking tape disaster :)
i could always come up with a new logo and use duct tape this time?
that's sooo not funny.
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