- Besides a lot of laughing, a time of worship, and more cake, we continued our study on HOW TO READ THE BIBLE FOR ALL ITS WORTH (Chapter 5), and had a great small group discussion about Genesis 22 (where the Lord called Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac).
- For those who want to read ahead, check out Chapter 9 (pp.163-180). This week, we'll be taking a look at the Law...but if you ever thought the Law was boring or irrelevant, listen to the Psalmist's perspective: "The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver an gold"(Psalm 119:72), "...your law is my delight"(v.77), "Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long"(v.97). Granted, the Law can be overwhelming at times and seemingly inapplicable to our lives today. But Jesus also said: "It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law"(Luke 16:17). This Sunday, we'll be trying to get a better handle on this thing called the Law, and will hopefully come to see why/how it's still important for us today.
Look forward to seeing you Sunday,
Mike & Heather
hey mike and heather,
bible study last week was awesome... looking forward to sunday...
i used the website! :D
you are the man! not only have you used the website...you were the very first from THE VILLAGE to use it.
keep on keeping on,
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