For a number of reasons, those who are interested from THE VILLAGE will be checking out
The Da Vinci Code as a group, and will be having a time of discussion afterwards. The film is based on Dan Brown's best-selling novel, and countless people have read the story and will be seeing the movie (if they haven't already). Through the viewing of the film and subsequent dialogue, we hope to become more informed about the intersection of religion, media and culture. But even more, we hope this event will help us to be more aware of what our friends and families are already talking about, so that we can help others to discern what is true from what is fictitious.
If you are interested, here's the relevant information:
Wednesday, May 31st @ 7:30pm
Westdale Theatre (1014 King Street West)
Tickets: $9.50
Runtime: 149 minutes (2.5 hours)
Rating: PG-13
We'll be meeting at the theatre before 7:30pm to get tickets and find seats, and the discussion time will take place at 96 North Oval shortly after the film ends (i.e. shortly after 10:00pm).
Questions or comments? Post a message (in the comment section below), or contact Mike (
mpowell@missiobaptist.ca) or Heather (
Before i had a chance to read the book, i had conversations with a number of people about The Da Vinci Code...and wish i had been more informed when talking about the story. That's one reason why i think it's important to be familiar with the film/novel...so that we can be better witnesses for Christ.
FYI: If you're looking for a resource that helps to separate the facts from fiction, hit up the following webpage...
there are quite a few very biased sites out there, but i find this one to be fairly objective.
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