Henri Nouwen

A contemporary rereading of the Sayings of the Desert Fathers/Mothers. Focusing on the threefold command to Abba Arsenius, "Flee! Be silent! Pray!" Nouwen pursues the implications for contemporary ministers of early Christian teaching on the fundamental role of the three disciplines of solitude, silence, and unceasing prayer.

The prologue frames the background leading to the publication of this unique volume. A close-knit friendship with a young friend who styles himself a "secular Jew" leads to a pressing request of the author to "...speak a word of hope to people who no longer (come) to churches or synagogues and for whom priests and rabbis (are) no longer the obvious counselors." Only after much resistance does the author comply. There is a Catch-22 at the end of the story, but it would be unfair to readers to rob them of the surprise awaiting them in the epilogue.

With clarity and deep spiritual insight, this religious bestseller offers today's Christian a perceptive, systematic plan for living the spiritual life achieving union with God. In three movements: From Loneliness to Solitude/From Hostility to Hospitality/From Illusion to Prayer.