Tuesday, April 25, 2006


"The message of Jesus is about God as the one who is towards us, who speaks to us, to whom we belong. To experience that mutual belonging is salvation. In that experience God's saving power is made manifest. In contemporary terms, salvation means belonging. The way we experience the opposite of salvation is alienation. Belonging and alienation are words that speak to us today. We know what alienation is on the personal level, on the social level, and on the religious level. Alienation means our utmost misery. The opposite of alienation is belonging. Translated into our terms today, the message of Jesus is: You belong!"

(From Who is Jesus Christ for Us Today by Brother David Steindl-Rast)

It is our hope that THE VILLAGE - as an expression of the body of Christ - will become for you a place of belonging. A place of openness, acceptance, and mutual encouragement. A place of meaningful worship, honest conversation, and spiritual transformation. We hope that anyone who has questions about faith/God/life will feel a real sense of belonging in this community.

Your input is extremely valuable...at any time, feel free to post questions/comments on this site, email us, or speak to us directly. See you at THE VILLAGE!

Mike & Heather

Saturday, April 01, 2006

First Official Meeting...MAY 7

THE VILLAGE will have its first official meeting in the church house (96 North Oval) on Sunday, May 7th @ 8pm. If you can make it, we'd love to see you there. Anyone is welcome to join us. And feel free to contact either Heather (heather.macumber@canada.com) or Mike (mpowell@missionbaptist.ca) if you have any questions.

Take care, and we look forward to connecting with you soon.

In Christ,
Mike & Heather